Research jargon can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to breakdown. We don't expect you to know or understand all the science we employ to give you the very best through our work at Matxin Labs Pvt Ltd. We will not hide behind complex terminology and try to sound smart - instead, we'll break it down for you.

There are two major fields that we utilise to develop our personal care:

Pharmacognosy or the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of substances obtained from natural origin and plant sources

Cosmetology or the knowledge and study of application of treatments in skin care, hair care & body care


We're research oriented meaning we like to closely examine natural sources to formulate dermatology grade personal care for you. No product reaches its final stages without clinical testing and trials first. A strong sense of well-being and a healthy sustainable lifestyle is our motivation behind every creation at our labs.

To ensure high standards of quality the following quality processes are followed in manufacturing:


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